The Second Century Fund (2CF), a publicly supported, not-for-profit organization that supports Welles-Turner Library, recently donated $22,000 to help supply equipment for the library’s new MakerSpace, the 2CF Studio.
The 2CF Studio MakerSpace was named in honor of the Second Century Fund’s $1 Million donation to the Town to help build the recent expansion and renovation. This MakerSpace is a flexible space in the library designed for making, learning, exploring, and sharing the use of both high tech and low tech tools.
When Library Director Amy McCue accepted the donation on behalf of the town, she remarked, “This will allow us to create a MakerSpace with something for everyone, from children with a passion for building all the way through to inventors creating their prototypes. Having resources for content creators, small business owners, and students just getting started in the world of STEAM means that the Library continues to be a resource for everyone in the community – and now in new ways.”
Some of the equipment purchased with the Second Century Fund donation includes a digital drawing tablet, Cubelets, the Rigamajig Builder Kit, and Strawbees (all for children to learn basic coding and construction/engineering skills), a CNC (Computer Numerical Control) router machine, and an iMac and iPad (for patrons to use in creative projects like music creation, photo editing, and video creation in the 2CF Studio).
McCue, who has been working with community volunteers and local experts to identify the equipment and opportunities to start with in the 2CF Studio, reports that “it’s been so exciting to see people come together to learn about the new technology and get excited to work together on projects. Stepping into a room in the library so full of creativity, innovation, and community reminds you of the Library’s true role in Glastonbury and in society in general.”
McCue is “excited to have WTML’s 2CF Studio be somewhere that Glastonbury patrons can see their creativity blossom and turn the things they imagine into something they can hold in their hand. It is through donations like the funding that the Second Century Fund provides that we’re able to continue to be one of the best Libraries in the State, offering our patrons access to excellent collections, diverse programming, and now an amazing MakerSpace.”
2CF also provides funds to promote an increased awareness of the Library through cultural, educational and outreach programs that support the Library. 2CF sponsors the Featured Local Artist exhibits in Welles-Turner’s Gallery, the Poetry in the Parks banners that hang in public spaces across town, and virtual author talks as part of the Library Speakers Consortium, featuring many best-selling authors.