- New Library Director, Amy McCue started at end of March, 2023
- New energy, enthusiasm, creativity, determination, lots of new programming
- Staff seems happier, more welcoming, excited to implement many great ideas
- All library use/visit statistics are up
2CF now enjoys a very favorable relationship with our new director and staff - New requests for 2CF support have shifted our direction slightly towards “big-picture”
initiatives, rather than smaller programs. This will help both WTML (with possible
programming beyond their own budget) and certainly with our own publicity
- In April last year, we wished farewell to our long-standing 2CF officers with expired terms,
and elected new officers: Kyle Schoffelmeer as Treasurer, Kennedy Hudner and Bernie Clark
as co-VPs, and me as President. And now, new Secretary: Jane Graves - We continued to support the Poetry in the Parks banners – Wonderful way to share poetry
with walkers/hikers and great advertising for us all over town - We took the leap and decided to sponsor the virtual author talks through the Library
Speakers Consortium, which is VERY popular and has proven to be a great way to get our
name out! - We are sponsoring the Featured Artist Series: posters and receptions
- We increased our Book Award to a graduating GHS senior from $100 -> $150 (this year’s
recipient is Emily Pennington) - We organized 2 successful, well-attended programs this spring:
- CT Wine Trail Presentation with the Nutmeg Nose
- How to Start a Small business
- 2CF participated in a joint effort with Amy, Library Board, and the Friends to successfullyobtain a full-time position for the MakerSpace in a very tight budget cycle
- MakerSpace job description and next steps for hiring are underway
- Amy has created a detailed, prioritized list of MakerSpace equipment
- Amy has applied for an equipment grant for the MakerSpace
- We donated $22,000 to support the MakerSpace with equipment
- WE voted to and submitted a name change request for the MakerSpace: shortening it from the Second Century Fund Innovation Center to the Second Century Fund
(2CF) Studio.
- Zachary Rosensohn continues to work on our completely overhauled website.
- We officially adopted our Mission
Statement and other documents for inclusion on our new website. - Our Annual Appeal has brought in $18,536, with 110 donors (our Annual Appeal year:
8/1/2023 – 7/31/2024). We added new names to our Annual Appeal address list, but we must
double-down on this effort. - We are planning a major fundraising event for the fall of 2025: A Family Fun Run/Walk.
- We are looking at opportunities to sponsor a large-draw, big name author talk in the fall of
next year.